Design paper for writing
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Tips on How to Write a Terrific Literature Review
Tips on How to Write a Terrific Literature Review Step by step instructions to Write a Literature Review When composing a writing audit, you should give a basic assessment of the most significant sources that were distributed on your subject of intrigue. In reality, a writing audit can fill various needs relying upon what crowd will understand it or hear it out. For instance, if the crowd knows short of what you do on the point, the motivation behind the audit will be educational. Despite what might be expected, if the crowd includes famous teachers and authorities, you should seek after the reason for exhibiting recognition and skill in the point. Some composing tips, which you ought to follow while giving an audit of writing: Spot your unique work inside the setting of the current sources; Make a point to decipher the key issues relating to your subject of intrigue; Concentrate on portraying the relationship among picked scholarly sources; Think of better approaches for understanding and point out the holes in the investigated sources; Give answers for the current clashes or contentions among past examinations; Demonstrate which writing makes a significant commitment to your comprehension of the point; Demonstrate the points of view of your further examination. Constituents of a Literature Review So as to be appropriately composed, a writing survey must be very much organized. The thoughts ought to be introduced consistently and intelligently. In addition, it is exceptionally critical to give clear advances from one thought/point to the next. In your selection of sources, ensure they are pertinent to the subject of your exploration and not obsolete. While introducing ideas and phrasing, ensure you do it as exhaustively and fair-minded as could reasonably be expected. Incorporate the accompanying parts into your survey of writing: Brief review of the theme, primary issues/viewpoints or hypothesis; Separate audit of hotspots for and against your exploration subject/position; Give the foundation to your examination, which was made previously; When composing the end, show which of the works have made the most huge commitment to the investigation. Focus on the accompanying rules when choosing which work to remember for your survey: Validity: which of the creators thoughts are convincing and why? Capabilities: Does the creator have reasonable/expected qualifications to lead a well-far reaching research? Worth: do the creators discoveries increase the value of your own ones? Nonpartisanship: are the creators points of view one-sided or not? You should introduce your attitide towards the works you audit with the assistance of announcing action words, which demonstrate whether you acknowledge a specific perspective/position or not. Detailing action words show the accompanying: Unbiased assessment: remark, refer to, address; Positive assessment: hold, contend, advocate; Basic assessment: denounce, discredit, object, assault; Provisional assessment: recommend, imply, guess, accept. All things considered, the method of introduction the materials in your writing survey ought to demonstate that you have picked and cited the most important material to help/invalidate your contention and that you have given sense when bringing cites into your contention advancement (by clealry deciphering them and connecting to the thought you intend to communicate).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Research Article Essay
Summing up a Research Article Research articles utilize a standard arrangement to unmistakably convey data about a trial. An exploration article typically has seven significant segments: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and References. At times there are minor varieties, for example, a consolidated ‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’ segment, or a General Discussion area wherein numerous examinations are introduced in one article. Perusing the Article Allow sufficient opportunity. Apportion in any event a fraction of the time that you spend on this task to perusing and understanding the article. Before you can expound on the examination, you need to get it. This takes additional time than most understudies figure it out. Does the author’s study sound good to you in lay terms (would you be able to disclose the examination to your flat mate)? At the point when you can plainly clarify the investigation in your own words, at that point you are prepared to expound on it. Here’s how to continue. Sweep the article first. In the event that you attempt to peruse another article all the way, you’ll get impeded in detail. Rather, utilize your insight into APA arrangement to locate the primary concerns. Quickly take a gander at each area to recognize: †¢ the examination question and explanation behind the investigation (expressed in the Introduction) the speculation or theories tried (Introduction) how the theory was tried (Method) the discoveries (Results, including tables and figures) how the discoveries were deciphered (Discussion) Underline key sentences or compose the key point (e. g. , theory, plan) of each section in the edge. Despite the fact that the theoretical can assist you with identifying the central matters, you can't depend on it only, in light of the fact that it contains exceptionally dense data. Peruse for profundity, read intelligently. After you have featured the primary concerns, read each segment a few times. As you read, ask yourself these inquiries: †¢ How does the plan of the investigation address the inquiry presented? What are the controls for each test? How persuading are the outcomes? Are any of the outcomes astounding? What does this investigation contribute toward responding to the first inquiry? What parts of the first inquiry stay unanswered? Counterfeiting. Counterfeiting is consistently a hazard while summing up somebody else’s work. To stay away from it: †¢ Take notes in your own words. Abstain from composing total sentences when note-taking. Sum up focuses in your own words. In the event that you wind up adhering near the first language and rolling out just minor improvements to the wording, at that point you presumably don’t comprehend the investigation. Composing the Summary Like a theoretical in a distributed research article, the motivation behind an article outline is to give the peruser a short, organized review of the examination. To compose a decent outline, distinguish what data is significant and consolidate that data for your peruser. The better you comprehend a subject, the simpler it is to clarify it altogether and quickly. Compose a first draft. Utilize a similar request as in the article itself. The quantity of proposed sentences given in brackets beneath is just an unpleasant rule for the general length of each segment. Alter the length in like manner relying upon the substance of your specific article. †¢ State the examination address and clarify why it is intriguing (1 sentence). †¢ State the theory/theories tried (1 sentence). †¢ Briefly portray the techniques (structure, members, materials, methodology, what was controlled [independent variables], what was estimated [dependent variables], how information were dissected (13 sentences). Portray the outcomes. What contrasts were noteworthy? (1-3 sentences). †¢ Explain the key ramifications of the outcomes. Abstain from exaggerating the significance of the discoveries (1 sentence). †¢ The outcomes, and the understanding of the outcomes, ought to relate straightforwardly to the speculation. For the principal draft, center around content, not length (it will likely be excessively long). Gather later varying. Take a stab at expounding on the speculations, strategies and results first, at that point about the presentation and conversation last. On the off chance that you experience difficulty on one area, leave it for some time and attempt another. Alter for fulfillment and exactness. Include data for fulfillment where fundamental. All the more ordinarily, on the off chance that you comprehend the article, you should cut repetitive or less significant data. Remain concentrated on the examination question, be brief, and keep away from all inclusive statements. The Methods outline is regularly the most troublesome part to alter. See the inquiries under ‘Reading interactively’ to enable you to choose what is imperative to incorporate. Alter for style. Keep in touch with a clever, intrigued, innocent, and marginally languid crowd (e. g. yourself, your cohorts). Anticipate that your perusers should be intrigued, yet don’t make them battle to get you. Incorporate all the significant subtleties; don’t expect that they are as of now comprehended. †¢ Eliminate longwindedness, including most qualifiers (â€Å"very†, â€Å"clearly†). â€Å"The results plainly indicated that there was no disti nction between the groups†can be abbreviated to â€Å"There was no noteworthy contrast between the groups†. †¢ Use explicit, solid language. Utilize exact language and refer to explicit guides to help attestations. Keep away from obscure references (e. g. â€Å"this illustrates†ought to be â€Å"this result illustrates†). †¢ Use experimentally precise language. For instance, you can't â€Å"prove†theories (particularly with only one examination). You â€Å"support†or â€Å"fail to discover support for†them. †¢ Rely essentially on rewording, not immediate statements. Direct statements are only sometimes utilized in logical composition. Rather, rework what you have perused. To give due kudos for data that you rework, refer to the author’s last name and the time of the investigation. †¢ Re-read what you have composed.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
20 Ways to Achieve Wealth and Success
20 Ways to Achieve Wealth and Success According to the old saying, “nothing is impossibleâ€. That is really true, we are capable of accomplishing many great things. Nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams and goals if we put our minds and energy to it.Of course, it is hard to stay sharp and focused all the time in order to fulfill our desires, especially if we are striving for wealth and success.There are just so many obstacles and distractions that we are facing almost every day. You have surely experienced this before.Now, don’t get depressed and discouraged, because you are not alone.Luckily, there were many people who have been struggling to achieve the heights of riches, and some of them have shared their experiences and advice with us in order to help us to attain success.The whole purpose of this article is to bring some meaningful tips about self-improvement that lead you to prosperity.That is why we have chosen Dean Graziosi, real estate and success trainer and author of the book “Millionaire succes s habitsâ€, and his advice to help you achieve success and wealth.He is one of the most influential success trainers and a person who has gone from rags to riches by sheer determination and will.That is the exact reason why all of us should take notes of what he is saying, and if you don’t believe the hype, go and check out his net worth.CREATION OF PRODUCTIVE DAILY ROUTINEProductive daily routines are almost necessary for becoming wealthy. Practice makes perfect they say.If practicing something that is good for you every day becomes your routine, you are clearly on the right path of becoming successful.To be precise, the major distinction between wealthy people and those who are not can be seen in their daily habits.Routine is a killer biological mechanism so choose your habits wisely.That goes for the good ones and the bad ones.Awareness and detection of problems of your daily routines are the first steps towards changing them.Make a list of your daily habits that are counterpr oductive for you, and come up with a solution for the problems.If you are playing video games too long every day, try to limit yourself to playing only half an hour a day. Make that stopwatch and alarm your everyday useful tools. Time is money so plan your expenses.Also if you want to turn your weaknesses into strengths, such as not being able to remember something, try to make a step by step plan and write it down.When you write things down, they are not just in your mind anymore, they become materialized.Thats why many famous entrepreneurs kept journals.Here are some must-haves in your daily routine no matter what your business is:Invest in long-term learning. Constantly read and educate yourself to expand your horizons.Exercise daily for 30 minutes at least.Same goes for meditation, at least 10 minutes per day.Fix your sleeping scheduleTake a rest and relax every now and then.PRACTICE SELF-AFFIRMATION AND CONFIDENCEThere is no place for self-doubts when it comes to wealth. Feelin g unworthy is not the starting point for aiming towards success.Questioning some of your actions can turn out to be very favorable for you if you get the conclusion from it, but just don’t let it lead you to self-doubting and misery.Expose the inner villain (self-doubt) that is lurking inside of you.This is not the easiest thing to do but at least try it. There are some tips on how to overcome your doubts and turn them to self-confidence inspired by a psychologist, self-awareness teacher and Dr. Lesile Becker Phelps:Don’t pay attention only to the negative feedback, instead try to consciously focus on listening to the more positive one, and you will surely feel more confident by doing so.Try to remember your meaningful deeds, and appreciation by others, don’t recall just your failures.Misinterpretation can lead you to towards doubting of your own capabilities. That’s why you should take others suggestions about your work not like a criticism instead more like their concern a bout your productivity because they know how valuable you are and how better you can be.“KNOWLEDGE IS POWERâ€One can hardly develop a habit more beneficial than reading.This habit can enhance you so much in such a short period of time, even if you practice it for 30 minutes daily. Information is everything.Business moguls and some of the most notable billionaires such as Mark Cuban and Warren Buffet are crediting this type of activity the most for their success. Buffet even says: “All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you can do it.â€.If you make the information that you read valuable by acting accordingly, youll start your path to wealth.The growth of knowledge can only lead to the expansion of your horizons by constant reading.Soon that knowledge will provide you a new way of rational thinking that will definitely lead you to success.Bookshelves in libraries are full of self-improvement literature so there is no excuse not to develop anymore.OPTIMIZE YOUR PROJECT IONSOptimize your projections is a fancy way of saying that you need to strive towards optimism.Setbacks always happen so you need to find a clever way to address the problem, right?We all know how frustrating and annoying setbacks are, but if you focus on the negative, itll devour you. Instead, think of obstacles as side effects of diligent work.Now, when the time comes to face those difficulties it’s important for you to possess an optimistic mindset.You are probably thinking why it is so important? Then look at what professor of marketing at Rice University, Utpal Dholakia has to say about optimism and success:Optimism can help develop out-of-the-box-thinking and original ideasOptimism will make you be more determined and able to take actionOptimism can make you perseverant to help you stay on your chosen pathWith an optimistic mindset, setbacks will become your bouncebacksFOCUS ON YOUR GOALS AND PLAN YOUR ACTIONSSometimes it is not enough to just want something in order to ach ieve it.However, if you truly set your mind on a specific objective, you plan your actions in order to achieve the goal.The formula is simple: idea (objective), plan, execution.Now make a step by step structure out of each of these segments.Whether it is a set of goals or just one that is crucial, it doesn’t matter as long as you are focused on it/them.Probably a lot of you are wondering how to stay focused on your goals in order to be successful?Here are a couple of bits of advice from TRACOM’S Dr. Casey Mulqueen on how to achieve that:1. Outcome and Process GoalsDecide what your ultimate goal is and then work on steps towards achieving it. In order to achieve the desired outcome, you first must focus on the process leading to it.Break down your goal into smaller steps that you will practice on a daily basis and positive outcome is inevitable.2. Don’t Bite More Than You Can ChewInstead of focusing on whole sets of different goals, just focus on the major ones. The most effici ent way of attaining your long-term goals is to focus on smaller goals.Dr. Mulqueen said:“When you set a process goal, you begin to build a new habit in the automatic system of the brain. This means that even in the face of stress, fatigue or distraction, your brain remains committed to your goal and actively looks for ways to further that planned behavior.†Source: www.searchingforbetter.netFIND SOMEONE TO MENTOR YOUIt is not that easy to find the person who can pass their knowledge and experience to you, but it is of great importance to find one.Having a mentor is probably the fastest and most efficient way to develop professionally and learn.No matter what youre doing, chances are that someone has done it before you (unless youre an innovating genius). Having someone who knows the way show you the shortcuts is priceless.To be a mentee is just so beneficial for you, and every step that you will take will go much more smoothly when you have someone to supervise you.According to 30-year long research of Lauren Bidwell Ph.D. Researcher Scientist for SAP SuccessFactors, having a mentor will:Increase your salaryProvide more chances for promotionsMake you feel more dedicated to your careerMake you feel more satisfied with your path to successMake you feel more motivated and persistent to advance in your careerPRACTICE PERSEVERANCEThere is on e certain virtue that separates wealthy people from the less fortunate ones. That virtue is persistence.There are always more quitters than doers out there. The difference between them is that the latter follow through when the going gets tough.Theres really no practical advice on how to persevere. Clench your jaw and dont go too easy on yourself. Break a sweat.The other keyword here is patience. Dont expect immediate feedback and dont get disappointed if you dont get gratified right away.Be outcome-independent and just follow through until the end! Keep track of your work in order to remind yourself to never back down before you complete the task at hand.SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SUCCESSFUL PEOPLEYou have surely heard of an expression that says that youre the sum of the 5 people that surround you.That just might be true!According to the news article of Business Insider, and Thomas C. Corley’s five-year-long study and a book entitled Rich Habits, he got to the conclusion that 117 now wealthy people only spent their time with the people for whom they were aspired to be before they were rich.That is not a coincidence. No one can be successful if he/she is surrounded by the people who are not ambitious or wealthy themselves.There are just so many opportunities and possibilities for you if you are spending your time with people who value opportunities and tent to create them for themselves and others.They can encourage you, or give you some advice about your business and growth.They can even offer you a deal about collaboration with them. Either way, you are more likely to become wealthy when surrounded by the wealthy.A good thing to do is try to get in touch with wealthy people in any way you can.Try social gatherings, events, clubs, bars (yes, wealthy people are regular customers as well) or make a list of places and activities that could help you socialize with successful people.Note that when we say wealthy were not just thinking material wealth.If youre lookin g for knowledgeable people, try the academies and universities and if youre looking to get wasted, try clubbing. You find Romans in Rome.FOCUS ON HEARING OTHERSIn order to be successful, Its certainly desirable to possess good verbal skills.Probably a lot of you think that the most important aspect of having verbal skills is speaking, and that is partially true, but listening is even more important.Is it a little bit unusual that the people from Forbes’s top 10 richest people rarely give any interviews?Well, it isn’t, because they know that their time and words are valuable, and they dont throw value around just like that!They only speak when it is necessary. Most of the times they are focused on listening, carefully observing and analyzing their environment.Its a simple formula. In order to amass knowledge, you must perceive and when you transmit, youre not receiving, so shut your pie hole and listen!All of the most successful people know how learning by listening to someone is precious.When the time comes that you realize you are talking too much, just stop for a moment and ask everybody what is their opinion about that matter.You will be surprised how other’s opinions can help you come up with the best solution!A WEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODYHealth is the basis of wealth. Another simple formula for that: a healthy person can produce revenue and all the money in the world cant help you if you compromise your health.Currencies lose their value if you lack health because, without health, youre not able to enjoy the goods.Thats why wealth has a deeper meaning than just being rich.Probably the best way to stay in shape is to practice some team sports.This is just beneficial in so many ways, not only that youll be fit, but you will learn a lot about rivalry, competition, and teamwork as well.If you don’t have time for some team sports activities, exercising at home or at a gym is also fine, it should become your routine. Your nutrition regimen is somethi ng you should also pay attention to.Contrary to what most people think, exercises dont exhaust you they make you more energetic.Fatigue is beaten by regular exercising according to NHS(National Health Service).They say that even the small amounts of exercising can boost your energy.Try it, start with 15-minutes walks every day and see the difference. Source: richardbrenneman.wordpress.comINSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON REVENUE, FOCUS ON THE QUALITY OF THE SERVICE YOU PROVIDEA young and ambitious man can often be infatuated by the fact that money is the reflection of his path to success.Money is unquestionably important, but don’t let it blind you. There are other things that matter!Think about money as a byproduct of your good work, and see your financial growth as a way to achieve more goals and to expand.Steve Tobak, trusted strategy consultant and former executive of high-tech industry, wrote an article for Entrepreneur magazine in which he states:â€If your professional goals are to enjoy what you do for a living, work hard at it, strive to be the best at what you do, and accomplish things you’re proud of, then there’s a very good chance you’ll achieve all that and make all the money you need to be happy. That’s how it works in the real world.â€Work hard, and wealth will definitely come. Dont focus on the revenue, focus o n the quality of service!PUSH YOURSELF ABOVE YOUR LIMITSWhether you are an entrepreneur or an employee you have daily assignments. Don’t be satisfied with just getting them done. Excel at it!There are no limits when it comes to success, therefore engage yourself to the max and do even more than is required from you and enjoy the whole process. Dont think of it as exhaustion.When you have this kind of mentality even failures won’t affect you that much because youll know you have given your best.Marissa Mayer a former CEO of Yahoo!, self-made millionaire women with a net worth of $620 million, credits her long and hard-working hours for her success.In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, Marissa said that she used to work for 130-hours a week back in Google Inc. She even said that hard work is the only difference when it comes to starters in a company which succeeds later and those who fail.You don’t have to be a workaholic like Marissa, but putting some extra hours a week certainly won’t hurt you, it can only make you more successful.KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR DAILY ADVANCEMENTThis will very likely provide the best insight on your progress.By constantly tracking and examining your progress, you will surely know what is the best thing to do next and how much you need to step on it.Set a weekly goal, and then at the end of a week quickly review what you have done, what could’ve been done more efficiently and set a new weekly goal.Edith Harbaugh, CEO of LaunchDarkly, used to set daily quotas of how much miles she will ride with her bike every day. The point of this is to set your daily goal and “start your day from zeroâ€. Riding bike helped her check her advancement every day and she just transferred that to her business.If weekly check-up is too much for you, check your advancement on a daily basis.FIND YOUR PURPOSESurely from time to time you have felt lost and disoriented, and that is a pretty frustrating state to be in.Don’t despair because the only thing you really need to do is ask yourself the right questions.If you don’t know your purpose, then it will be almost impossible for you to fulfill it.Start asking the right questions like:What do I really want?Why do I want to achieve wealth?What do I want to do with it?What makes me happy and what doesnt?When you get your answers, youll know what to strive for and youll regain your motivation and a sense of purpose.FIND A HOBBYMany of you probably think that success comes only from hard work and engagement, but prepare to be surprised by how much a hobby can help you succeed!When you get tired of your office space and formal negotiations with your potential clients the best thing you can do is to devote yourself to a hobby. Your hobby can even affect your business, in a positive way of course.In the interview for on the topic of â€Why pursuing your hobby can lead to greater success In business?â€, CTO and president of the enLabelGlobalServices, Inc., Ramin Khoshatefeh, was asked: “How has pursuing your hobby helped grow your business?â€His answer was:“We have hosted clients, friends and business partners for a number of events at the gallery. It serves as a meeting place of sorts, and it allows us to bring out the more personal side of doing business. We intend to use the space for non-profit fundraising and plan to host more clients and business partners in the future.TRY TO FIND A BALANCE BETWEEN WORK AND PLAY. FIND SOME ME TIME.The reason why it is so hard to achieve balance in life is that the road to wealth can often be stressful and exhausting.When you try to compensate for the shortcomings due to work, you exaggerate and it all goes south from there.Success and wealth are obtainable only by patience and silent devotion.That’s why you need to find the time to devote to all of the other areas that are fundamental in your life to avoid burnouts.Burnouts are described as states of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by repea ted stress, according to Psychology Today.They are often followed by depression, cynicism, and lethargy, and you surely want to avoid that in order to be successful, and that’s why you need to find a balance.If you can’t find your balance, here is an example of a man that has found his and is absolutely satisfied with his life.According to Forbes Magazine article about creating a balance in your life, president of the software company Jackrabitt, Mark Mahoney said that his success and happiness came from finding his “business time, family time, and me timeâ€.He completely separated his work from his personal life and by that he created a perfect balance, maybe you should try it too.Draw a chart and divide your free time by 2. One half for your family and one half for yourself.ACCUMULATE YOUR WEALTH WITH SAVINGSNobody can become rich by recklessly wasting their money. That’s why it is very useful to learn how to accumulate wealth in an economical way.Brian Tracy, motivationa l public speaker, and self-development author, about the topic of “How to save money and accumulate more wealth?â€, says on his official website that the best two tactics to accumulate money by saving it are:Saving 10% of your income every month and putting it away up to your special account reserved just for that.Take advantage of tax-deferred savings and investment plans.ORGANIZE AND MAKE USE OF YOUR TIME. STOP PROCRASTINATING!Waste of time is a waste of… everything. All we really have are time and energy.Those are the resources that get converted into wealth… or dont if you get reckless.Recognize meaningless activities that you engage in. Make it a habit to ask yourself: What am I doing currently? Is it productive? If the answer to the latter question is no, stop the activity!Limit the time you spend procrastinating. Do not engage in idle tasks.If you spend hours browsing the internet or partying and drinking, chances are you wont do anything meaningful with your life.Were not saying that you should go all work and no play. We know it makes Jack a very dull boy. All were saying is that you should make a schedule and stick to it.Set aside some time to procrastinate and be idle, but limit it and supervise yourself.TREAT EVERYONE WITH RESPECT. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT!If you are an upcoming entrepreneur that wants to expand the business and conquer the market, you definitely can’t do that by yourself.What makes you successful are the people you have chosen to work for and represent your company.That is the reason why you should treat every employee in your company with respect.Don’t be afraid of spending your funds on increasing the salary, giving annual bonuses or organizing some team building activities for your workers.Show them consideration and they will show you their effort, it’s as simple as that.NEVER STOP WORKING ON YOURSELFTo become successful and wealthy one must never stop developing.There is always room for progress and improve ment. On the other hand, stagnation will compromise you, theres no doubt about it.Dont compare to other people, compare to yourself. Strive to become the best version of yourself and defeat your worst enemy you.Develop the routine that will be based on your improvement each and every day, and success will come like a by-product of this way of living that youll come to enjoy in no time.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Difference Between Natural and Artificial Flavors
If you read the labels on food, youll see the words natural flavoring or artificial flavoring.. Natural flavoring must be good, while artificial flavoring is bad, right? Not so fast! Lets take a look at what natural and artificial really mean. There are two ways to look at natural and artificial flavors. First, there is the formal definition of an artificial flavoring, as defined by the Code of Federal Regulations: ... a natural flavor is the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional. Anything else is considered artificial. That covers a lot of ground. In practice, most natural and artificial flavors are exactly the same chemical compounds, differing only by their source. Both natural and artificial chemicals are processed in a lab to ensure purity. Safety of Natural Versus Artificial Flavors Is natural better or safer than artificial? Not necessarily. For example, diacetyl is the chemical in butter that makes it taste buttery. Its added to some microwave popcorn to make it butter-flavored and is listed on the label as an artificial flavoring. Whether the flavor comes from real butter or is made in a lab, when you heat diacetyl in a microwave oven, the volatile chemical enters the air, where you can breathe it into your lungs. Regardless of the source, this can cause health problems. In some cases, natural flavor might be more dangerous than artificial flavoring. For example, natural flavor extracted from almonds can contain toxic cyanide. The artificial flavor has the taste, without the risk of contamination by the undesirable chemical. Can You Taste the Difference? In other cases, you can taste a world of difference between natural and artificial flavors. When a single chemical (artificial flavoring) is used to mimic a whole food, flavor is affected. For example, you can probably taste the difference between blueberry muffins made with real blueberries versus muffins made with artificial blueberry flavor or real strawberry ice cream versus artificially flavored strawberry ice cream. A key molecule might be present, but the true flavor may be more complex. In other cases, the artificial flavor might not capture the essence of the flavor you expect. Grape flavoring is a classic example here. Artificial grape flavor tastes nothing like grapes you eat, but the reason is that that molecule comes from Concord grapes, not table grapes, so its not the taste most people are used to eating. Its worth noting a natural flavor must be labeled as an artificial flavor, even if it comes from natural sources if it is added to a product to impart a flavor that isnt already present. So, if you add blueberry flavor, from real blueberries to a raspberry pie, the blueberry would be an artificial flavoring. The Bottom Line The take-home message here is that both natural and artificial flavors are highly processed in a lab. Pure flavors are chemically indistinguishable, where you would not be able to tell them apart. Natural and artificial flavors diverge when artificial flavors are used to try to simulate complex natural flavors rather than one single chemical compound. Natural or artificial flavors may be safe or dangerous, on a case by case basis. The complex chemicals, both healthful and harmful, are missing from any purified flavoring compared with the whole food.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Indice de aprobación de visas de turista por paÃÂs
El à ºltimo aà ±o, EE.UU. emitià ³ un total de 6.740.754 visas de turista sus embajadas y consulados de todo el mundo, pero hay una gran diferencia en el porcentaje de visas que se aprueban segà ºn la nacionalidad del solicitante. En las estadà sticas del aà ±o fiscal 2018 de las visas de turista – tambià ©n conocidas como de placer, paseo, B2 o la conjunta B1/B2 o combinada con la BCC o de là ¡ser o de cruce. Estas à ºltimas solamente se emiten a los mexicanos que residen a lo largo de la frontera terrestre con EE.UU. Sin embargo, en estas cifras no està ¡n incluidos los turistas que ingresaron sin Visa a EE.UU. por ser nacionales de uno los 38 paà ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), como chilenos y espaà ±oles. Por lo tanto, las estadà sticas de chilenos y espaà ±oles no aplica a la totalidad de turistas de esas nacionalidades que ingresaron a EE.UU. el aà ±o pasado sino tan solo a las personas que, por cualquier razà ³n, no pueden acogerse al VWP como, por ejemplo, haber previamente estado ilegalmente en el paà s o desear permanecer en EE.UU. por mà ¡s de 90 dà as, etc. Porcentaje de visas de turista aprobadas por nacionalidad Los siguientes son los porcentajes de visas de turista aprobadas en relacià ³n al total de solicitudes, segà ºn la nacionalidad del solicitante durante el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal: Argentina: 98,27%Bolivia: 77,81%Chile: 88,66%Colombia: 64,89%Costa Rica: 90,09%Cuba: 49,03%Ecuador: 68,62%El Salvador: 48,51%Espaà ±a: 85,96%Guatemala: 46,38%Honduras: 39,68%Mà ©xico: 75,07%Nicaragua: 53,35%Panamà ¡: 88,29%Paraguay: 91,98%Perà º: 71,47%Repà ºblica Dominicana: 50,46%Uruguay: 95,89%Venezuela: 25,72% Estas cifras son por nacionalidad, sin que importar en quà © consulado o en quà © paà s solicitaron la visa. Y es que à ©sta puede solicitarse fuera del paà s de residencia habitual, pero en ningà ºn caso mejora la posibilidad de sacar la visa y, sin embargo, sà que puede perjudicarla.  ¿Por quà © algunas nacionalidades tienen à ndices de negacià ³n de la visa visa mà ¡s altas que otras? La visa de turista puede ser denegada por muchas razones. Pero la mà ¡s frecuente en todo el mundo es la de no acreditar suficientemente lazos econà ³micos y/o familiares o sociales en el lugar de residencia habitual. Es decir, el oficial consular sospecha que el solicitante de la visa puede quedarse en los Estados Unidos mà ¡s tiempo del autorizado o quieren aprovechar su estadà a para trabajar. Este problema puede afectar en todo el mundo por igual a solicitantes jà ³venes de cualquier paà s que cuando fueron nià ±os nunca tuvieron una visa americana. Sin embargo, en algunos consulados en particular ese tipo de sospechas son, en general, altas para todos los solicitantes, cualquiera que sea su edad. Las razones son varias, por ejemplo, la inestabilidad polà tica, econà ³mica y social de un paà s, que se refleja en el alto à ndice de sus ciudadanos que en los aà ±os anteriores obtuvieron una visa de turista, viajaron a EE.UU. y se han quedado mà ¡s tiempo del autorizado. Por ejemplo, el aà ±o pasado todas las solicitudes de visa de turista de ciudadanos de Andorra, Liechtenstein, Mà ³naco y Vaticano fueron aprobadas. Son paà ses estables con à ndices bajà simos de violaciones migratorias por parte de sus ciudadanos. En el otro extremo se encuentran Corea del Norte y Micronesia. En el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal EE.UU. denegà ³ todas las solicitudes de visa de turista de los ciudadanos de esos dos estados. Un caso a destacar, porque ilustra muy bien este punto, es el de Venezuela. El aà ±o pasado, fueron rechazadas el 74,28 por ciento de solicitudes de visas de turista realizadas por venezolanos en cualquier embajada o consulado de EE.UU. en todo el mundo. En otras palabras, solo una de cuatro peticiones fue aprobada. Diez aà ±os antes, en el aà ±o fiscal 2008, solamente fueron rechazadas un 25,4 por ciento de las visas de turistas solicitadas por venezolanos. Es decir, tres de cada cuatro solicitudes era aprobada.  ¿Quà © saben los consulados sobre el solicitante de una visa? Otro factor que puede influenciar en la diferencia de à ndices de aprobacià ³n de las visas es la mayor tendencia en algunos paà ses a presentar documentos falsos o realizar declaraciones exageradas, en muchos casos animados por asesorà as que venden servicios varios para mejorar la chance de sacar la visa. Las informaciones de los consulados varà an de paà s a paà s pero en general puede decirse que antes de que el solicitante de la visa se presente delante del oficial consular para la entrevista ya el personal consular ha realizado una importante labor. Siempre se verifica la identidad del solicitante en bases de datos propias del gobierno estadounidense y que tienen la misma informacià ³n que los puntos migratorios de entrada a EE.UU. Tambià ©n se verifican los datos biomà ©tricos despuà ©s de tomar huellas y fotos al solicitante. Un grupo de empleados, que pueden ser estadounidenses o locales de gran confianza, busca por cualquier anomalà a que pueda aparecer en la aplicacià ³n de la visa. Si algo les llama la atencià ³n, proceden a una investigacià ³n mà ¡s en profundidad. Toda esa informacià ³n se presenta al oficial consular que va a llevar a cabo la entrevista y por eso puede tomar una decisià ³n sobre aprobar o negar la visa en apenas dos minutos. Ademà ¡s, à ©ste puede acceder desde su computadora a todos los expedientes que puede tener el solicitante de la visa como, por ejemplo, previas solicitudes y conocer incluso todas las anotaciones realizadas por otros oficiales consulares desde otro consulado ubicado en cualquier lugar del mundo. Con respecto a la duda de si pueden verificar la informacià ³n de los informes bancarios, no es posible pedir un estado del balance de una cuenta de un ciudadano que no es estadounidense. Sin embargo, por diversos medios sà que es posible para los consulados obtener confirmacià ³n por parte de los bancos sobre si los informes presentados son real y si fueron emitidos en la fecha que consta. La presentacià ³n de documento falsos da lugar a la negacià ³n de la visa por fraude de ley y equivale a cavar uno su propia tumba ya que es un problema muy difà cil de solucionar. Serà a necesario obtener un perdà ³n o waiver, que es muy complicado obtener. Puntos Clave: visas de turista aprobadas y rechazadas en FY2018 6.740.745: nà ºmero de visas de turista B2, B1/B2 y combinacià ³n B1/B2/BCC aprobadas por los consulados de EE.UU. en todo el mundo en aà ±o fiscal 2018.China: paà s con mà ¡s visas de turista aprobadas, seguido de Mà ©xico y, en tercer lugar, India.0% solicitudes de visas de turista aprobadas: Corea del Norte y Micronesia.100% solicitudes de visas de turista aprobadas: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Mà ³naco, Vaticano y Sahara Occidental.Factores que influyen en diferencias de à ndices de aprobacià ³n: falta de estabilidad econà ³mica, polà tica o social de un paà s, altos porcentajes de nacionales de un paà s que se quedan en EE.UU. mà ¡s tiempo que el autorizado y altos à ndices de presentacià ³n de papeles fraudulentos o declaraciones falsas durante el proceso de solicitud de visa. Este no es un artà culo legal, es solo informativo.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
James Free Essays
The reading that I decided to summarize is called â€Å"The Emergence of the Star System in America†by Richard Decorate. The topic Is very useful because It emphasizes the Idea of the star system. The system Includes different kinds of Information that was created about actors. We will write a custom essay sample on James or any similar topic only for you Order Now The velveteen of the system was influenced and developed through three transformations like â€Å"the discourse on acting, the picture personality and the star†The reading is significant because the write takes the reader thought the Journey about what perception of film actors used to be before 1907 and how the incept of performers kept evolving and changing till the year of 1914. The first transformation Is the discourse on acting. Decorate argues that before 1907, film actors were not popular and all the â€Å"Journalistic discourse of the time focused primarily on the scientific aspects of the apparatus†). It was assumed that films were products that did not have any involvement of human labor until the rise of another discourse in 1907, the importance of the labor in film production. The discourse led to a new knowledge which created a â€Å"struggle destined to resituated the site of textual radioactivity for the spectator away from the work of the apparatus Itself’ Another very Important aspect Is that at the time all those who appeared In films were called picture performers and their activities were described as posing because the activity of acting in film was known only in terms of photography due to â€Å"struggle between a photographic and a theatrical conception of the body’ (Decorate, p 19). In 1908, a huge decrease in demand of documentary films led to development of dramatic films. It led too huge popularity of people who appeared in films and who had a lend of the prolific, film and the real stories. The blend led to strengthening of the concept called the picture performer and acceptance of the fact that the â€Å"art of acidulous be translated to the screen†(Decorate, p 22). The acceptance allowed society to legitimate the concept of cinema and get new tastes of consumption like a combination of good action and acting in order to appeal to large audiences. The second transformation is the picture personality. Actors presented themselves with fictional names and public personalities. Three kinds of knowledge appeared hill creating the personality. The first one Is the circulation of the name that emphasizes the â€Å"difficulty of separating the circulation of the players’ names and the circulation of the films they were in†(Decorate, p 25). Actors were identified in specific films because of names. The second knowledge is intellectuality. It â€Å"constituted the picture personality†. The knowledge was created by both the cinema and press. Personalities of performers supposed to be Just like their characters had. The knowledge emphasized stage experiences of actors. The last ell known transformation Is the star. Stars have always been â€Å"characterized by a fairy through going articulation of the paradigm professional Life/private life. With the emergence of the star, the question of the player’s existence outside his/her work in films entered discourse†Around 1914, there was already no restriction in terms of knowledge and textually of players in films. Personal lives of stars became a new kind of a popular knowledge. Professional and personal lives became self-controlled film characters. Eventually, the main difference between â€Å"the picture personality and he star is that the later supports a family discourse†The redundancy and closure of the two lives led to the emergence of the star concept with its system and power. The writing is very useful it terms of understanding how the concept of the star was created and why it evolved in certain ways. It was also very helpful to understand the emergence in terms of the three key transformations likeliest discourse on acting, the picture personality and the star. The transformations allowed me to learn about interconnected aspects and facts which led to the concept of the star system. How to cite James, Papers
James Free Essays
The reading that I decided to summarize is called â€Å"The Emergence of the Star System in America†by Richard Decorate. The topic Is very useful because It emphasizes the Idea of the star system. The system Includes different kinds of Information that was created about actors. We will write a custom essay sample on James or any similar topic only for you Order Now The velveteen of the system was influenced and developed through three transformations like â€Å"the discourse on acting, the picture personality and the star†The reading is significant because the write takes the reader thought the Journey about what perception of film actors used to be before 1907 and how the incept of performers kept evolving and changing till the year of 1914. The first transformation Is the discourse on acting. Decorate argues that before 1907, film actors were not popular and all the â€Å"Journalistic discourse of the time focused primarily on the scientific aspects of the apparatus†). It was assumed that films were products that did not have any involvement of human labor until the rise of another discourse in 1907, the importance of the labor in film production. The discourse led to a new knowledge which created a â€Å"struggle destined to resituated the site of textual radioactivity for the spectator away from the work of the apparatus Itself’ Another very Important aspect Is that at the time all those who appeared In films were called picture performers and their activities were described as posing because the activity of acting in film was known only in terms of photography due to â€Å"struggle between a photographic and a theatrical conception of the body’ (Decorate, p 19). In 1908, a huge decrease in demand of documentary films led to development of dramatic films. It led too huge popularity of people who appeared in films and who had a lend of the prolific, film and the real stories. The blend led to strengthening of the concept called the picture performer and acceptance of the fact that the â€Å"art of acidulous be translated to the screen†(Decorate, p 22). The acceptance allowed society to legitimate the concept of cinema and get new tastes of consumption like a combination of good action and acting in order to appeal to large audiences. The second transformation is the picture personality. Actors presented themselves with fictional names and public personalities. Three kinds of knowledge appeared hill creating the personality. The first one Is the circulation of the name that emphasizes the â€Å"difficulty of separating the circulation of the players’ names and the circulation of the films they were in†(Decorate, p 25). Actors were identified in specific films because of names. The second knowledge is intellectuality. It â€Å"constituted the picture personality†. The knowledge was created by both the cinema and press. Personalities of performers supposed to be Just like their characters had. The knowledge emphasized stage experiences of actors. The last ell known transformation Is the star. Stars have always been â€Å"characterized by a fairy through going articulation of the paradigm professional Life/private life. With the emergence of the star, the question of the player’s existence outside his/her work in films entered discourse†Around 1914, there was already no restriction in terms of knowledge and textually of players in films. Personal lives of stars became a new kind of a popular knowledge. Professional and personal lives became self-controlled film characters. Eventually, the main difference between â€Å"the picture personality and he star is that the later supports a family discourse†The redundancy and closure of the two lives led to the emergence of the star concept with its system and power. The writing is very useful it terms of understanding how the concept of the star was created and why it evolved in certain ways. It was also very helpful to understand the emergence in terms of the three key transformations likeliest discourse on acting, the picture personality and the star. The transformations allowed me to learn about interconnected aspects and facts which led to the concept of the star system. How to cite James, Papers
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